Day 0: It's a boy

“The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it”
- Thucydides

Before commencing my journey to death and destruction in the cold, hard vacuum of New Eden, there were a number of important decisions to be made.

Firstly, most importantly, name. I explored options in Greek, Latin and Norse for fierce animals and brutal weapons, before finally setting on Björn Ulfsbrödyr. Björn is bear, Ulf is wolf and Brödyr brother. Initially I hesitated at having two animals in the name, but it had a nice ring to it and none of the weapon names did.

Secondly, race. Amarr was out. I have played a lot of Amarr PVE and much as I like the shiny gold ships and fancy lasers a Viking pilot needed something grittier. Minimatar was a strong runner. I love the Rifter and the Thrasher is, in my opinion, the best T1 destroyer. The problem is where to go from there? The Firetail is fun to fly - speed is always a bonus - but it is a little too light on DPS for my liking. As an Alpha many of the classic pirate hulls are not available to me. The warp disruption bonuses of the Garmur look pretty enticing as a longer term goal, but the lure of the Comet is also strong. Having the Incursus and Atron as stepping stones swung me to Gallente in the end. At least it keeps that Garmur on the table

I was ready to start. Almost. I had forgotten about the cooldown timer for biomassing an unused alt (and didn't want to create a new account). Ten hours later, Björn stepped out of the clone vat into his first corvette.

The first few days would be getting starter ISK. No subsidy from rich relatives for this aspiring swashbuckler. So I resigned myself to running the career arcs again. At least the AIR daily rewards offer a little extra income these days. A lot has changed in fifteen years and it is not all bad.


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