Day 1: The key to this plan is the giant laser
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”
- Oscar Wilde
Whilst slogging my way through the career arc missions, I was also scheming. I'd stumbled upon an interesting video by Eveil showing a way to get a first kill with a PvP-equipped Heron. Scan down a wormhole near a trade hub. Camp it. Jump though if you see an explorer coming. Disrupt, scram, web and engage as soon as they enter. I have decided, as soon as I finished up the missions, to give it a go. In the meantime I queued up some drone skills. If I'm going to use the Heron, I'll need Caldari Frigate as well. So much for choosing Gallante. I'm not even a day old and I'm already considering cross-training.
Of course I'm painfully aware of Helmut Von Moltke's words:
“No plan survives contact with the enemy”
The idea is simple enough, but past experience has prepared me not to underestimate my own ability to cock it up.
The only other time I'd actively hunted another player is a pretty embarrassing example. I had breezed through several empty low-sec systems before I found what I'd been looking for. A lone Venture sitting on a belt. Elated that I'd managed to track him down with only d-scan, I warped onto the belt and burned towards him. He didn't budge, and as I swung into a tight orbit I was confident that he was mine. It was only after I'd failed to activate my warp disruptor for the second time that reality hit. My roam had inadvertently taken me back into high-sec, and my Alpha Clone safety was preventing me from engaging. The Venture was not, and never had been, in any danger from me. To quote Elite - the grandaddy of computer space exploration games - my combat status is currently Harmless.

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