Day 3.5: An army marches on its stomach
“Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics”
- Gen. Robert H Barrow
I love EVE generally but one of its frustrations is the amount of time spent traveling vs the amount of time playing the game. The majority of my available time on day three went in ferrying ships (my Nereus can carry just two frigates) and loot from Couster to Dodixie and putting things up for sale. As an Alpha I could fit four frigates in a Mammoth, but as of now I can't justify the experiense of any non-combat items.
Fortunately the AIR daily challenge had two manufacturing objectives so I was able to use one of my BPCs and claim my 10k skill points for making a single Gatling rail so the evening wasn't a complete wash out.
On completing the final career arc missions my total assets are
- 1 Imicus
- 1 Atron
- 1 Nereus
- 4 Incursus (two of which where bought from the market for the princely sum of 1,000ISK - gotta love pricing in Newbie training systems)
- 1 Catalyst
I sold a handful of loot, three Ventures (one of these also bought for a crazy low price), a Navitas and another Nereus. I might also sell the Catalyst as it is my least favourite T1 destroyer. I understand they represent a decent gank platform, but I'm not really a fan of high-sec ganking (not that as an Alpha it is not something I can even do). If safety settings allowed it might have been fun to try just once for the pleasure of being Concorded.
On second thoughts maybe I should save it for one of the seven day Omega events? There is a first time for everything
All of this leaves me with just over 18 Million ISK, which is not as much as I was hoping. Not a massive battle chest to be starting a life of villainy with. If I need to I can run some escalations. My main character made half a billion from a single DED 3/10 on Christmas Eve. It can happen!
However, thanks to the generosity of CCP I also have 20 PLEX from the recent Youl event, which I have notionally allocated to a reimbursement fund. I hope not to have to dip into for other purposes, but at least it is there as a reserve if it all goes horribly wrong.
Anyway. As of the end of day 3 everything is in place. No excuses now. Tomorrow we go hunting...
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