Day 4: Nagrind

“Who knows a man's name, holds that man's life in his keeping”
- A Wizard of Earthsea (Ursula Le Guin)

There are some interesting ship designs in EVE. Some sleek. Some beautiful. Some functional. A few downright ugly.

If I am honest, I've never really liked any of the T1 exploration frigates. The Imicus, sadly, fits firmly in the downright ugly category. The others are just, well, interesting...

The Heron particularly begs a lot of questions. What exactly is the purpose of the gigantic central fins? After my deep dive into targeting speed, how is it possible for it to have a smaller signature radius than the stealthy looking little Imicus? You would think those massive flat surfaces would reflect radar like a mirror.

As I was considering a name for my Heron I couldn't get past those fins. Initially I considered calling it "Gates of Asgard" until I found the Norse word Nagrind. Corpse gate. The gateway to the underworld. Perfect.

That particular dive into Norse legend also unearthed the interesting tidbit that Garmr is the hound who guards the gates of the underworld. I wonder if the Garmur is named for that? It makes me want one even more, although I need a lot more ISK and much better missile skills for that particular puppy...

Final fitting is complete. Ammunition purchased. Vessel insured. Undocking for the maiden voyage of the Nagrind. Somebody is headed to the underworld. Let's just hope it isn't me...


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